Friday, January 24, 2014

Stealing Followers - It Just Doesn't Feel Right, Does It?

Trying to find followers of your Social Media profiles can sometimes be difficult. Perhaps, you're looking in the wrong spot or targeting the wrong audience - whatever it is, it's just not working for you.  So, what do you do?

In my opinion, you re-strategize, get with someone who can help you (like Brand'EM) and plan a new approach. An article recently published on suggests a sort of strategic poaching. Essentially, scouring your competition's pages and then getting their followers to find and "like" you. They refer to this as "stealing" followers but I am not sure that that term is correct because really, all you are doing is offering people options. As they say in the article, "Stealing is usually a zero-sum transaction, wherein one party loses and the other party wins. But that is not how it works with social media."

The beauty of social media is that when someone turns on their computer or switches on their mobile, the world is at their fingertips. They are no longer confined to fancy billboards and flashy lights, they can simply hunt and gathering until their query or demand is met.

A happy client or customer can not be poached which is why it is up to you and your brand to make sure that your competitor is lacking and that your service is so impeccable that they never have to go anywhere else. And, in today's world, that finer touch - that step above the rest - begins and ends online. Are you ready?

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