Sunday, January 19, 2014

Social Media - The Future of Customer Service

Last night, I was reading an article (you can find it here) and it mentioned the top Social Media trends for 2014. It went over the typical trends of selfies, Facebook remaining a constant and that people will continue to use their mobile phones to view Social Media; however, the one that caught my attention most was # 8, the one that mentioned a trend in customer service.

8. Customer service will migrate to social media

Social media channels have become an irreplaceable tool for customer service. In times of crisis, national airline Finnair uses social media to respond to its customers and to provide them with status updates and other instructions.
Successful customer service operations in social media require humility and a constant presence. Moreover organisations would do well to remember that material shared in social media channels will remain accessible to customers in some form. This also opens up possibilities for effective marketing based on customers sharing corporate content. Online dialogue will also change the way companies develop their products, as they’ll have the benefit of constant feedback from their customers.
I find this fascinating because this truly shows the power of Social Media and how when a brand does things right, it can truly reach the core of its customer base.  
Many years ago, I had a negative experience with a cable tv provider. I complained online after an exhaustive attempt at a resolution with a call centre and, even thought I remained furious with the call centre, when a representative commented back to me on Social Media I felt a sense of understanding. I thought, "Wow - someone is listening. Someone did care about my issue!" It didn't make me forgive or understand their lack of knowledge within the call centre setting but it did let me know that they had implemented a Social Media plan to resolve issues and that was a pretty good thing in my mind.
So, what's your opinion? As a business do you have a plan in place for dealing with customer service complaints or, even better, compliments? If not, let Brand'EM know and we can work with you to sort out a strategy.

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